Three Item Kids For Sale (Panda & Friends Rolling, Poppin Chip Munks, Busy Poppin Pals Toys)
Harga / Price : RM 70
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage : RM 77
Tinggi / Height: - cm
Panjang / Long: - cm
Lebar / Width : - cm
Berat / Weight: 1.7 kg (All Item)
- Saya nak jual borong je kesemua item yang dipaparkan ni..
- Sesuai untuk baby2 untuk mengasah akal membuat sesuatu yang baru..
- 3 item skaligus,, harga pun saya turun terus..
- Semuanya brand PlaySkool..
- Condition semua ok,, x da masalah,, yang penting,, masih elok.. Calar? x calar mane pun,, yang "panda & friend tu je yang pudar sikit,, sikit sangat pudarnye... x nampak cm pudar pun sebenarnye,, tapi saya nak bagi details tahap kepudarannye pun saya x tau cmne..hee...
- Poppin chip munks tu cara kerjanya kene tolak ke,, ketuk ke pakai tangan,, nanti chipmunks kuar balik..
- Semuanya saya namakan berdasarkan ape yang keluar di fikiran saya,, maybe kalo anda search kat internet ni,, x jumpa la nama 'panda & friends' rupa gini,, maybe yang anda jumpe tu panda idup tu...
- Ok lah,,sekiranya berminat,, contact saya lah...
- Contact number saya sentiasa ade di sebelah ni...
- Terima kasih..
- I want wholesale je all items that this show ..
- Perfect for a baby to nurture a new sense ..
- 3 items, the price I was down ..
- Everything is brand PlaySkool ..
- Condition ok,, x da problem, which is important, is still good ..Scratches? x mane was scratched, the "panda & friend to fade a bit ... not even really look like faded, but I want to fade the level ofdetails I did not even know how ..
- Poppin munks chip is how it works should push @ tap by hand,later chipmunks out back ..
- Everything is based on what I call out in my mind, maybe if yousearch the internet, can not find the name of 'panda & friends'appearance eh, maybe you find the panda life ..
- Ok lah, if interested, contact me lah ...
- Contact number is always there on side ...
- Thank you ..