Stride to Walk (Scooter 2 in 1)
Harga / Price : RM 80
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage : RM 90
Tinggi / Height : cm
Panjang / Length : cm
Lebar / Width : cm
Berat / Weight : 3.25 kg
- Tiada karat, tiada masalah dengan permainan ini..
- Khas untuk kanak-kanak yang kurang berat badan..
- Boleh dijadikan scooter @ tolak 1 kaki..
- Perlu menarik punat di bahagian depan itu, maka ia akan berdiri..
- Sebagai servis tambahan,, saya telah membasuh sedikit..
- Kekurangan permainan ini ialah,, jika anda lihat di bahagian bawah tempat pemegang itu,, kelihatannya, kosong sahaja.. Kerana bahagian itu sememang nya..
- Jadi,, disebabkan itu,, maka saya hendak jual murah sahaja...
- C.O.D di sekitar Daerah Pontian...
- No rust, no problems with this game ..
- Special for children who are underweight ..
- Can be used scooter @ minus 1 foot ..
- Need to draw the buttons on the front of it, he will stand ..
- As an additional service, I have to wash a little ..
- Lack of this game is, if you look at the bottom of the place holder, it seems, just empty .. Because of its parts is indeed ..
- So because of that, then I want to sell cheap-cheap only ...
- C.O.D around Pontian District ...
Amazon Gallery
Baby Kick and Play Simple Toys
Harga / Harga : RM 42
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage
Tinggi / Height : 50 cm
Panjang / Long : 59 cm
Lebar / Width : 56 cm
Berat / Height : 1.8 kg
- Design nya sangat simple..
- Kedua2 kakinya boleh dicabut..
- Segala yang anda nampak peralatan permainan tu,, memang terdapat di barangan ini,, bukan lain punya..
- Dengan ke simple an nya,, memudahkan di bawa ke mana sahaja..
- Condtion nya masih cantik,,calar tu x da la sangat.. ok aje.. x da apa2 kerosakan dalaman mahupun luaran...
- Saya sudah packing siap2 dalam kotak,, saya hantar dalam keadaan barangan ini telah di tanggalkan kaki nya..jadi,, anda hanya perlu pasangkan sahaja..
- hubungilah saya di no 0193587327.. 24 hour handphone x pernah off.. trime kasih..
- Design is very simple ..
- Both legs can be removed ..
- Everything you see in the game equipment, these items areavailable ..
- With its facilities, easy to carry anywhere ..
- Condtion is still beautiful, scratches are not too highly .. no damage to internal and external ...
- I have finished packing the boxes, I send in these items remove thefoot was in it .. so, you only need to install only ..
- Contact me at the number 0193587327 .. 24 hour phone is never off.. thank you ..
Baby Gear,
Fisher Price
Three Item Kids For Sale (Panda & Friends Rolling, Poppin Chip Munks, Busy Poppin Pals Toys)
Harga / Price : RM 70
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage : RM 77
Tinggi / Height: - cm
Panjang / Long: - cm
Lebar / Width : - cm
Berat / Weight: 1.7 kg (All Item)
- Saya nak jual borong je kesemua item yang dipaparkan ni..
- Sesuai untuk baby2 untuk mengasah akal membuat sesuatu yang baru..
- 3 item skaligus,, harga pun saya turun terus..
- Semuanya brand PlaySkool..
- Condition semua ok,, x da masalah,, yang penting,, masih elok.. Calar? x calar mane pun,, yang "panda & friend tu je yang pudar sikit,, sikit sangat pudarnye... x nampak cm pudar pun sebenarnye,, tapi saya nak bagi details tahap kepudarannye pun saya x tau cmne..hee...
- Poppin chip munks tu cara kerjanya kene tolak ke,, ketuk ke pakai tangan,, nanti chipmunks kuar balik..
- Semuanya saya namakan berdasarkan ape yang keluar di fikiran saya,, maybe kalo anda search kat internet ni,, x jumpa la nama 'panda & friends' rupa gini,, maybe yang anda jumpe tu panda idup tu...
- Ok lah,,sekiranya berminat,, contact saya lah...
- Contact number saya sentiasa ade di sebelah ni...
- Terima kasih..
- I want wholesale je all items that this show ..
- Perfect for a baby to nurture a new sense ..
- 3 items, the price I was down ..
- Everything is brand PlaySkool ..
- Condition ok,, x da problem, which is important, is still good ..Scratches? x mane was scratched, the "panda & friend to fade a bit ... not even really look like faded, but I want to fade the level ofdetails I did not even know how ..
- Poppin munks chip is how it works should push @ tap by hand,later chipmunks out back ..
- Everything is based on what I call out in my mind, maybe if yousearch the internet, can not find the name of 'panda & friends'appearance eh, maybe you find the panda life ..
- Ok lah, if interested, contact me lah ...
- Contact number is always there on side ...
- Thank you ..
Bowling For Child (Electronic Bowlercade)
Harga / Price : RM 160 RM 120
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage : RM 176 RM 136
Tinggi / Height : - cm
Panjang / Length : - cm
Lebar / Width : - cm
Berat / Weight : 9 kg
- Barang ini agak famous di luar negara..
- Banyak gambar yang saya upload untuk tunjuk keseluruhan permainan ini..
- Sepatutnya harga mahal,,tapi saya murahkan lagi sebab terdapat kekurangan nya..
- Sepatutnya ada tapak warna biru,,tapi waktu saya dapat bende ni,,tapak tu memang tidak ada..
- Dan 1 lagi,, selepas bola masuk ke longkang di blakang tu,, waktu nak turun tu,, ade bende yang seperti anda lihat tu tiada..
- Anda boleh menggunakan batery @ electrik untuk menghidupkannya..
- Yang cucuk ke plug tu memang alat ni x sediakan.. tu sebagai alternatif lah..
- Bateri semua beli sendiri ye..
- Condition memang elok dan berfungsi dengan baik,, jadi,,anda x perlu risau..
- Bila searching kat internet,, secondhand barang ni pun dah $80 - $160 US Dollar.. Yang baru? ntah..
- These goods are quite well known outside the country ..
- I upload many pictures to show the whole game ..
- Price should be expensive, but I gave it cheap because there is a lack ..
- Should have a blue base, but when I got this game, the site doesnot exist ..
- And one more, after the ball into the drain on back that, when want to go down, there is a tool that as you see it there ..
- You can use the batery @ Electric to turn ..
- A bill to plug tu ni did not provide the tools .. the only alternative ..
- Please buy their own batteries ...
- Condition is very good and function well, so you need not worry ..
- When looking on the internet, secondhand at $ 80 - $ 160 U.S.Dollars .. New? I do not know ..
Moose Mountain,
Selimut @ Blanket 100% Acrylic
Harga / Price : RM 120 RM 60
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage : RM 130 RM 70
Tinggi / Height : - cm
Panjang / Length : 225 cm
Lebar / Width : 180.3 cm
Berat Weight : 3 kg
- Di sini ada segulung selimut hanilon jenis lembut dan berbulu..
- Bunga dan coraknya sama seperti di gambar2 yang ada di atas ini..
- Kedua2 belah mukanya lembut dan sama je..
- Pada mulanya saya ingatkan ia adalah carpet,, sebab ia agak besar.. Bila terjumpa kat tag nye tulis blanket,,, @ selimut,, baru saya tau..
- Saya akan open penjualan selimut @ blanket ini dalam masa 10 hari sahaja bermula 10 - 20 april 2011..
- Harga boleh di tawar menawar..
- 100% arkilik
- Masih kelihatan baru dan cantik... bau kedai pun x ilang lagi..
- Boleh sms jika call tidak berjawab..
- Series buyer only..
- Here is a roll of blankets soft and fluffy kind hanilon ..
- Interest and the same pattern as on the picture at the top of this ..
- Both face the same soft ..
- At first I thought it was carpet, because it is quite big .. When youfind it written on the tag blankets, then I know ..
- I will go on sale this cover within 10 days from 10 - 20 April 2011 ..
- Prices may be fresh ..
- 100% arkilik
- Still looks new and beautiful ... shop smell was not gone yet ..
- Can sms if call is not answered ..
- Series buyers only ..
Double Thomas Medium Set
Harga / Price : RM 80
Termasuk Pos / Include Postage : RM 90
Sold To En Fariz
Tinggi / Weight : - cm
Panjang / Length : - cm
Lebar / Width : - cm
Berat / Weight : 3.5 kg
- Terdapat 2 Set Thomas Medium Set,, Tetapi salah 1 itu kekurangan bentuknya.. Maka,, saya combo kan kedua2nya menjadi 1 untuk di jual kesemuanya..
- Di gambar di atas ni ada saya listkan brapa pieces barangan gambar tu untuk besarkan...
- Penghantaran sy menggunakan kotak yang lain kerana kotak yang sy tunjuk di atas tu kecik..
- Sila la sms jika call tidak berjawab...
- There are two sets Thomas Medium Set,, but either one is shortage of its forms .. So, I combo them together into a right to sell all ..
- In the picture above this is how many pieces I list all items .. click the picture to enlarge...
- Shipping I use another box for my box on the instructions too small ..
- Please sms if call not answered ...
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